One specific point which the Acting Police Commissioner kept on stressing is that these 4 explosives were not meant as any intended attack against the events planned for the September Celebrations.
Today, he said that the public will see new security measures being put in place for the Independence Day Celebration activities all over the country. Here's how he described it:
Deputy ComPol Noel Leal, Acting Commissioner of Police
"So far the intelligence is not showing that it was intended for any mass casualty or any people who are assemble let's say for parade or whatever kind of social activity. It is not intended for that and I am glad to report that so far none of these incidents seems to have been targeting people currently involved or participating in the September celebrations in mass."
"We are aware that you know we are having Intendance Day celebrations countrywide on Thursday. We are aware of the fete or the after Independence celebration in Regent and Albert Streets in Belize City Thursday afternoon. We are aware that a lot of people will be heading towards Orange Walk for their Independence Day parade."
"So we have different layers of policing which we will be conducting to ensure that the residents of Belize City and Orange Walk as well as people who are going to visit these areas, can feel reasonably safe and comfortable."
"As we have said before in our last press conference to please bear with us. The police will be on the ground, they will be on the road and we might be seeing some new aspects of policing security particularly for Thursday."
"Other than that there is nothing to suggest that there will be any disruption or anything on toward for our Independence Day celebrations. But if there is anything, be assured that the police will do its best to ensure that nothing and everything is safe for Independence Day parade and the festivities countrywide."