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PM Sends Sharp Letter to BNTU
Tue, October 17, 2017
Keeping it on the BNTU, last night you heard the president explain that the union wrote to the Prime Minister last week Friday asking for an update on the eight demands coming out of their strike one year ago.

The union kind of scolded the PM, saying he had disrespected them and demanded a comprehensive update in a week's time, by this Friday October 20th.

Well, the Prime Minister wrote back to the Union today and opened by scolding them right back, saying, quote, "Actually, I thought it was the letter from you to me of September 15, 2017, initiating this chain of correspondence, that was disrespectful. It was written in a peremptory, demanding and uncivil fashion."

After that, the PM gets into the business of the letter, updating the union on each one of its eight demands.

Now, it's not all that the Union might want to hear since in some cases, such as the Danny Mason investigation, the PM says, quote, "The International Investigation that you wanted could not proceed without a proper terms of reference, something you were never able to finalize with the AG."

And referring to the Occupational Health and Safety Bill, the PM says, quote, "I had expected that you would proceed with those negotiations under the umbrella of the NTUCB, since again the OSH Bill is not the special preserve of the BNTU. But it is now a year later and I have heard not a peep about any negotiations having commenced…the ball remains in your court."

Knowing the sometimes stormy history of relations between the Teachers Union and the Government, we expect a snappy response from the Union. We'll keep you posted.

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