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COLA Demands Answers For Slain Activist
Tue, October 17, 2017
Tomorrow will make one week since 72 year old taxman and activist Albert Cattouse was killed and police have made no arrests.

Yesterday, the president of COLA demanded answers form the police and the government:

Giovannie Brackett, President - COLA
"One of the thing is that we've asked them to do to check his phone records from about 6:25pm that evening to about 7:00pm to track the callers who have called him and I think no less than not just the Minister of Police, cause what he said debt assure us of anything. He just sounded like a noisy cymbal. Aragon with all due respect when you spoke on Friday you didn't care to call COLA, you didn't call the family to give us an assurance. You spoke to the media and so we don't have any closure right now. We don't have any answers. We just have more questions to be asked and a 72 year old man who have given his life for this country and he is so spirited in the way he advocated, who fed poor children. Some of those same men that went out there to execute the hit - he fed some of those same kind of people and trying to talk good. So we have lots more questions Jules. We don't have any answers coming yet."

Again, we can't get an update from police because they no longer answer questions from the media.

Cattouse's funeral has been set for Saturday at All Saint's Church.

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