Patricia Hinkson from Vital Stats took the stand next in a very short back and forth conversation. She recently took up the post so she didn't provide much depth as it relates to fraudulent birth certificates. Based on what she said there are no stringent measures to ensure there is no fraud.
Hon. Aldo Salazar
"Some years ago there was a person who was caught with a birth certificate now he wasn't born in Belize but he was found using the birth certificate of somebody who was born I believe in shipyard and pretending as if he was that person born in shipyard so clearly he went to vital statistics unit and the document was issued out of the vital statistics unit as far as I am aware it was not a forged document or a fake birth certificate it was a real birth certificate but it was issued to a person who wasn't the real person."
Patricia Hinkson, Deputy Registrar of the Vital Statistics Unit
"But anybody can apply for a birth certificate."
Hon. Aldo Salazar
"So that is really what I think my collogue is trying to get at is what measures are there which would assist something like that not occurring or is it something that we can't prevent because anybody can apply for a birth certificate and pretend to be somebody?"
Patricia Hinkson
"Well anybody can apply, anybody can come into the office and apply for my birth certificate. That is just the rule anybody can apply for a birth certificate."
Hon. Elena Smith
"But there has to be something in place though that if I apply for a birth certificate for you there has to be something in place that tells you the person who is receiving it is authorized to do so."
Patricia Hinkson
"No, once that person has his or her social security or passport they can apply for any document in that unit."
Hon. Aldo Salazar
"What exists right now that would prevent let's say I come from wherever, I come from Vietnam and I bring a considerable amount of money and I try to speak to somebody inside your office and I want them to produce a birth certificate for me as if I was born in Belize what is in place to prevent me from being able to do that."
Patricia Hinkson
"Well it all depends on the integrity of the fixer and the verifier."
Hon. Aldo Salazar
"It is a two person control."
Patricia Hinkson
"(Nods yes)...or if it is in the case of the registration clerk at the hospital."
Hon. Aldo Salazar
"But I am an adult already, meaning I am already an adult, so I wouldn't be able to."
Patricia Hinkson
"Well the system tells you exactly who did what and on what date that action was done."
Hon. Elena Smith
"Having been there for such a short time if you feel there are any other resources that you might need to assist you in insuring that any of these things can't happen?"
Patricia Hinkson
"Well we are in the process of recruiting additional staff members but you know that will take time."
Today's Senate meeting finished at noon - one of the earliest times on record - probably because business senator Mark Lizarraga was not there.
We will have more from senate tomorrow.