Today the Commissioner also addressed the Lie Detector test which the opposition says he failed in 2008. In the House on Friday, PUP Deputy Leader Cordel Hyde said that he had obtained a document which showed that in 2008 Whylie failed the test when he was asked about disclosing information to criminal organizations. He allegedly said specific information was provided to subjects during interrogations.
Here's how he explained it today:..
Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"I do recall many years ago volunteering to take a polygraph test. I took that test and that was the end of that matter. I had never seen the result of that test. It was never conveyed to me or shared with me. I can't even say at this point in time if the document that was whatsapped to me, or the portions, are a genuine document. I don't know where it came from but I can tell you that one of the words that struck me in that document was the word 'interrogation.' You can look at all my public statements, it's a word that I do not use. I have never compromised myself personally, I have never compromised myself professionally. I think that everyone who knows me, in my 49 years of existence, in my almost 31 years of existence, knows who Allen Whylie is and there are certain things he will never ever do. Belize is a small place and if there was any such activity on my part I'm certain that persons would have known and it would have been revealed a long time ago. So, while I have seen that document, as I've said I don't know where it came from I have never seen it before until it was shared with me that day."
Col George Lovell- CEO, Ministry of National Security
"The results though, to answer your question, of what was supposedly discussed in the house, I was unaware of until yesterday when I saw a letter or a draft letter from the commissioner."
Jules Vasquez - Reporter
"Is that in your opinion, something that is fatal on the record of Commissioner Whylie?"
Col. George Lovell
"None at all, Jules because I don't know the context under which these things were done; polygraph and certain tests are done for certain purposes and one can fail or pass a test based on a certain way in which you respond to certain questions so I wouldn't be too worried about it. And again, when I looked at the report that was given to me I questioned where did that report come from, is it really the report that the Americans had because what I saw was a certain extract from a report. I did not see the original report, I did not see the full report, I would need to see these things before I could be able to comment beyond what I have said."