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Former Immig. Director Lashes Out - Will Not Be Fall Girl
Wed, November 29, 2017
Today in Belmopan, Maria Marin, the former Acting Director of Immigration, was called once again to testify before the Senate Select Committee in their Hearings on Immigration.

Now, as viewers are aware, she was one of the first witnesses who testified earlier this year when the Senate Hearings began. Over the course of the 40 sessions, all sorts of illegal acts in that Department have been carefully examined and digested by the Senators, and you the viewers.

The narrative has been slowly been shifting as the Senators keep trying to find out who in authority was responsible for the serial irregularities found by the Auditor General. Fingers have generally been pointing at the office of the Director of Immigration, and its various occupants.

Well, today, before she took any questions from the Senators, Marin delivered a prepared statement making it clear, that she will accept absolutely no blame for what happened at that Department when she was in charge. Here's an excerpt of her presentations:

Maria Marin - Former Acting Director of Immigration
"These changes mostly went against the up until then status quo and modus operandi at and within the department. This only served to deteriorate the department's functions and its ability to provide acceptable service to the general public. Major efforts were made to stem the constant interference in the operations and functions of the department, including its annual recommendations for staff transfers based on integral and fair criteria, but the challenges were overwhelming and insurmountable. Many times as a result of insufficient or untimely support from parent ministry the resulting decisions then were not necessarily in the best interest of the department. Measures that were put in place such as the instillation of buzzards at entrances for employee only areas and of some 30 plus cameras to primarily serve as security measures seemingly only served for mischief makers to seek more creative ways and back door processes to engage in."

"The staff were advised and supported to always operate within the laws by which the department is mandated. In fact I constantly reminded all staff to align their actions and work habits as per such mandates. However, since there was an obvious limited support for the implementation of the necessary changes by the ultimate decision makers, some staff continued to carry on with business as usual."

"Cases of allegation were investigated like the Whilhem Dick case of October 2012 and other case in that same year. Like the Wonhong Kim case and yes even the more recent David Nanes case. Reports were written up and the findings and recommendations were disciplinary actions where relevant and merited were submitted to the ministry as per proper public service administration procedures. Written and verbal follow up and feedback were consistently requested regarding the cases that had been set up."

"The underlining of the efforts geared towards improving the departments through the use of intimidation tactics such as slash and ice pick tires, voodoo dolls placed in vehicles and my ultimate transfer from the department for no justifiable reason, albeit welcomed refers. The decisions sometime in the first quarter of 2016 to place me back to the post of deputy director was unacceptable, all academic and public services regulations relevant requirements of the post of director were met from the very onset in mid-February 2013. The department took up this matter with the ministry as is formerly required on several occasions. No apparent justifiable reason was identified. I can only surmise then that it was due to my fervent stand point and back bone to change the pervasively negative status quo of the department which would no longer cater to the whim and fancy of all a sundry, despite the touted commitment to positively transform the department."

"I find in necessary to make these last statements in light regard for honesty displayed by some who have appeared before this honorable house despite being under oath and also because of the wrongful negatively and ill reports of my integrity and reputation which I have always guarded through and extremely personally demanding and exigent modus operandi and work ethics."

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