Minister Vows to Bring Down Murder Count |
Thu, December 21, 2017 |
So while major crimes were down - we may end the year with an increase in murders. While we all hope there isn't one more killing between now and the end of the year, even with 138 murders, Belize's murder rate will remain among the global top ten.
It's pretty puzzling when you think about it - considering all the energy and resources put in to containing crime. We asked the Minister if he's disappointed:...
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Is it a disappointment to end the year 139 by my humble count, 138 by yours, with the same number or more murders than we did last year?"
Hon. Elodio Aragon, Minister of State, Police
"Dealing with murders, especially in Belize City, is not an easy thing. We all know the situation here. What is important to note is that the Belize Police Department has not sat idly by. We initiated the Operation ACT to deal with that situation, to reduce the incidents of gun violence and murders, which to a large extent since we've initiated this operation we have seen a dramatic decrease in the number of shooting incidents and murders in Belize City. And I am confident in all that will come to bear next year, I am confident that the Police Department achieve a reduction in murders."
"I am not disappointed. Everybody would have hope that we had less murders, but this is the reality of things, but I am confident that we are working, the department has a strategic plan in terms of where we want to go and we are hopeful that next year we will see the reduction that we should have seen this year."