UB Says More Students Than Ever Can’t Pay |
Fri, January 19, 2018 |
The University of Belize says it has seen, quote, "an unprecedented rise in students' inability to meet their financial obligations in a timely manner, end quote.
In response, President Clement Sankat has written a letter to students saying, quote, "if you haven't met your 40% payment that was due yesterday, let me set your heart at ease and tell you unequivocally, that we are not going to remove your registration at this time."
But, the university warns, it can only help so much. The President urges students to visit the accounts receivable office to set up a payment plan - because, quote, "the extent of what the University can offer is limited - UB can only be as flexible as our financial circumstances will permit. The students have until a March 30th deadline to meet their obligations.
And, on another subject that's been in the news - UB is moving to a once yearly graduation ceremony effective June of this year. And for those who were expecting a graduation ceremony next month - UB says it has established a process through which students can get their official certificate before the graduation date.
The venue for the single graduation hasn't been finalized - but a letter form the president says it will be at an air conditioned venue in Belize City.