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Chunox Villager With Shellfish
Tue, January 23, 2018
19 year-old Jorge Cassanova, a fisherman from Chunox Village, will have to pay fines to a total of $3,480 dollars to the Magistrate's Court. That's after he went before Senior Magistrate Aretha Ford and pled guilty to 4 fisheries offences.

The Fisheries Department reported that at around 9:25 a.m. on December 29, fisheries officers boarded the fishing vessel, La Gadalupana. They found Cassanova in possession of 24 undersized lobster tails, 95 undersized conch, and 3 soft shell lobster tails and 1 lobster which had its eggs removed.

The fisheries officers confiscated the shellfish, and they charged him for the out-of-season catch. He was arraigned before Senior Magistrate Aretha Ford, and he pleaded guilty to all offenses. She sentenced him to pay fines to a total of $3,480.

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