Rangers Back At Home Tonight |
Wed, January 31, 2018 |
And one Belize - Guatemala story we are happy we don't have to report tonight is the one about the NICH Park Rangers who got lost.
Park Manager Luis Ramirez and Park Ranger Elroy Villanueva went missing on Monday evening and were found this afternoon at 1:30 by a BDF search team. They were 2.5 kilometers Northwest of Caracol and 4 kilometers East of the Guatemalan border. They were not disturbed or held by Guatemalan bandits who are known to traffic that area. They simply got lost in a hard rain and veered off known paths.
As we told you at the top of the news, they are safe at home with their families tonight after being lost in the CARACOL park for two days.
We'll have the full story on them tomorrow.
7News for Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 from 7News Belize on Vimeo.