Toddler Fell In the Well, Found The Morning After |
Tue, February 20, 2018 |
And from violence in the west to tragedy down south - a 3 year old baby boy drowned in a well in Silk Grass, Hopkins. His mother, 24 year old Chelsey Castillo told police that between 1:00 and 4:00 yesterday afternoon her 3 year old son Keon was playing with friends in Silk Grass - where the toddler lives with his grandmother. When the grandmother - went looking him around 4:00, he was nowhere to be found.
But, the mother - who lives. down the road in Hopkins - didn't report him missing to police until 5:30 this morning. And one hour later - at 6:35 they found him floating face down in a 6 foot deep well in Silk Grass.
Police say the body had no sign of physical injuries.
This is the third infant child downing in a well we have reported since January of 2017 - the other two happened in Maya Mopan outside Belmopan.