Mexican Vice-Minister Has Plans |
Fri, March 2, 2018 |
Now apart from Belize, Mexico also wants to build on its relationship with other Caribbean countries. Vice Minister Luis Alfonso de Alba spoke on upcoming initiatives that will boost these connections.
Amb. Luis Alfonso de Alba, Undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean
"We are in the process of strengthening our relations with the countries in the region and I will start with Belize, we are looking into the 2030 date as the date that we have agreed at the United Nations to achieve sustainable development but also with specific projects on our own, We are going to embark in the coming months in drafting a project that will strengthen the relationship between Mexico and Belize and the Caribbean particularly the English speaking Caribbean countries. We will be launching in a few weeks hopefully no more than a few weeks, a project in which emphasis is going to be put on the capacity of the region first to build resilience and climate change development and problems but also the capacity of the region to develop in different areas, tourism, agriculture etc. We want and I finish with this, we want to give the region and particularly Belize the strategic role, the strategic position it should always have had in our foreign policy."
Later on in the news, we'll have more news coming out of today's visit.