Eastern Division Has A New Commander |
Wed, March 21, 2018 |
So, while the Eastern Division's new top brass tries to defuse tensions, the stark reality is that they took over in a difficult time for the city.
Both Robert Mariano and Howell Gillett are settling into their posts after a spike of crime in the city which witnessed 5 murders in 26 hours.
We asked the new Eastern Division's Regional Commander about his strategy Belize City, which is acknowledged as the most difficult area to police:
ACP Robert Mariano - Eastern Regional Commander
"There are several things that I'm looking at, at this time; community policing; operations; mediations and I'm also looking on administrations, because it's important for me to investigate if we had any crack within our operations and to see how this can be fixed and at this time that is what I'm doing. I have had several meetings already, with my senior command, that was on Monday and today I also had another meeting with my senior command. In the near future, I'm also looking at a multi-agent taskforce which will assist different operations that we are doing. As a matter of fact, earlier today I was doing a mediation along with Nuri Muhammad and Miss Finnegan at Queen Street police station. This is the way I'm starting to work on putting things to normalcy and I'll be reviewing our strategy in the next 3 months and I'm hoping that the strategy works."
Mariano told us that he intends to formally introduce himself in his new capacity at a later date.