It's a tradition in the Ministry of Local Government that once a new slate of officials is elected, they attend a session of good governance training focused on their duties and responsibilities, as elected officials.
Today was the first day of training, and we found that for some, it is just a refresher but for the newbies, it is an important lesson in public administration and accountability:
Kerry Belisle - CEO Ministry of Labour, Local Government, & Rural Development
"The training component will include areas of responsibility not only for councilors but also to update them on some of the initiatives that had been conducted by the ministry or by those councils so that there is a level on continuity. We believe that we are then fulfilling our mandate to ensure that the environment in which councils operate is one that will be up to the requirements of our own policies and law. Information is the best way to make sure that happens so that is what this training is all about today. There will be a host of presenters on matters relating to income taxes, ethics, all those things to make sure that our mayors and deputy mayors, councilors are duly informed."
"One of the most critical things I think that is important is to ensure that the counsellors and in this case the mayors appreciate that the function of running a municipality means that you have taken on a responsibility to deliver a set of services and that set of services requires that there is a healthy appreciation of good fiscal management. That there is a healthy appreciation that planning and policy measures reside at the council level and the implementation of work in its best form is executed at the personal level of the councils."
"When you have a change in councils there is also the instance that some people may not be as informed as others so those initiatives and the economic development initiatives that were underway before are critical to the continued good governance of municipalities and we will that the information that will be provided in the next two days will best equip the policymakers to not only chart their own path but to continue where necessary that which has already been started."
The training will conclude tomorrow. |