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One Struggle, Talking Healing One School At A Time
Tue, April 10, 2018
As we showed you two weeks ago, "One Struggle" is a group of gun violence survivors that have united to help each other and those around them. Last month we shared some of their stories now the group members are working with Southside Commander Senior Superintendent Howell Gillett to share their stories with school children.

Today they spoke to the upper-level students of Saint Martins Deporres. We stopped in and found out the more about the impact their words have on Belize's future.

Sr. Supt Howell Gillett, OC-EASTERN DIVISION
"These young people, we learnt of them. They are called one struggle. These are victims or survivors of crime in the past. It is so amazing that these guys can still put a smile on their face despite what has occurred in the past. It is our belief that if we enlist their support to go out in the neighbourhood and let them share their experiences as to how and why certain things occurred in their past I believe young people could. What we are seeing here today is we enlisted their support to be here at this school and tell the young people what occurred and ways not to get into a life of crime. There is a lot to learn but who better to tell the story than those affected by the crime itself."

Gillett says De Porres is the first stop of many for the "One Struggle" group.

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