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Cops Calibrating Crime Response
Fri, May 4, 2018
National Security Minister John Saldivar had a similar opinion on the spike in violence. He told us that the police top brass are carefully tracking the crime trends and calibrating their response accordingly:

Hon. John Saldivar - Minister of National Security
"Crime has as you know is cyclical sometimes its up, sometimes it's down. We are trying to control it. Whenever we see the spikes we try to find out what's the reason for it and see if we can adjust and try to reconfigure our operations and that's what we are doing. The last few days that we have had, we think we are able to get it under control."

"Are you able to share any details or initiatives to try to assist to calm things down back again as they were a few weeks ago?"

Hon. John Saldivar - Minister of National Security
"Well, like I said it's a matter of seeing where the loopholes are. The criminal elements are watching us. They see what we are doing. And they try to adjust and therefore when they adjust to what we are doing we also need to adjust to what they are doing and that's basically how we approach it. It's an ongoing thing. We are not going to solve this problem in one night or one month or not even perhaps a year but we have got to keep re-strategizing so that we can make up for whatever they are doing, the new things that they are trying."

Later on in the news, we'll tell you why the National Security Minister and his team were out at the police temporary posts giving out lunch the officers stationed there in the hot sun.

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