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Candice Says Contract Not Unusual
Fri, May 11, 2018
And we did ask Miller about that - the timing of her contract, renewed for four years in September of 2017 , just 6 months before an election.

Here's how she explained it:

Candice Miller, Former City Admin.
"Mayor and then I get it. It's not parked while I am at my office."

Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Now much has been made about this contract that Mayor Bradley had overstep his moral authority. He was within his legal authority, but to tie the life of another council into this city administrator was unfair to the incoming council. So it was treated as something that was corrupt and what would be called exceptionable - he shouldn't have done that."

Candice Miller, Former City Admin.
"Have you heard of BAMA Jules?"

Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Only Obama."

Candice Miller, Former City Admin.
"BAMA is the Belize Association of Municipal Administrators. It's basically a city administrators association."

Jules Vasquez, reporter
"I've never heard of it. Explain."

Candice Miller, Former City Admin.
"It was registered in 2016. Just like how they have a mayor association, we have a city and town administrator's association. One of the first things we did after we became a registered body was to lobby for contracts for city administrators and we took our position to the mayors association and they agreed with us. All administrators, I think with the exception of maybe one municipality got their contract, ranging from December 2016 to September 2017."

Jules Vasquez, reporter
"And those contracts extend into the lives of the new councils?"

Candice Miller, Former City Admin.

Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Including the PUP administration?"

Candice Miller, Former City Admin.
"He was the first to get his contract Mr. Guerra."

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