If you've been following the the evening news within the last 6 days, you'll know that they've been 3 successful armed robberies, and 2 failed attempts in or near the Downtown area of Belize City.
Last week Thursday, Hofius was hit, and a few hours later, the Nacho World restaurant was the next target that same afternoon. Then, there are the failed attempts at a food vendor on Albert Street the Friday before, and ML Collections, right next door to Mirage Store - which happened yesterday. Then on Monday night, armed thieves held up Spoonaz Cafe, right across the Swing Bridge, on North Front Street.
The recent worrying trend in the commercial center of the City has business owners on edge, and some of them have expressed the concern to us that it appears to be only a matter of time before they become the next victim.
So, to quell that disquiet, Deputy Police Commissioner Chester Williams and Area Rep, Tracy Panton went out on Albert Street this evening for the weekly police meet and greet sessions. In order to restore safety there, police will immediately commence an operation. Deputy Commissioner Williams, who is the commander of all police operations, told us more in an interview a few hours ago. Here's how he explained it:
DCP Chester Williams - OC, Operations
"We have been seeing an increase of robberies on Albert Street and so as a part of our meet and great process for today we decided to come and visit the business sector to see what are their concerns and to explain to them what we intend to put in place to be able to alleviate the concerns that they may have pertinent to their safety."
Hon. Tracy Taegar-Panton - Area Representative, Albert Division
"One of the reasons we have been working very closely with the police is because we have received these concerns from the school and church community as well as from the business community and other residence of the area. We had a few ago a meeting with the school and church community and there is a meeting now being arranged with the business community collectively because while the police has it work to do we also need the business community to come onboard so we can use our resources as best as we can."
DCP Chester Williams
"Every business owner fears becoming the next target or victim of a robbery."
Hon. Tracy Taegar-Panton
"The business community have shared with us in particularly the Indian community that they have to close their stores earlier, they have less opportunity to do business because of fear and we hope that if we can work together as a wider community we can help to alleviate some of the fear and put in some safety measures that will help to bring back a sense of confidence."
Daniel Ortiz
"There has been concerns from business persons we have spoken to, they said that - look all of a sudden the police disappear from Albert Street and we need protection just like other parts of the city where there is hot spots."
DCP Chester Williams
"Well most naturally Albert Street being one of the largest commercial areas in the country, it is paramount that we provide security for the people who host business here and I wouldn't say the police had disappeared but to some extend we had dwindled our numbers from Albert Street and we're focusing in other areas but what we intend to do now is to ensure we increase the numbers even greater than where it once was with a view to be able to enhance the police presence and to make us more operational effective on Albert Street. The operation on Albert Street we call operation safe zone and what we're trying to do is create a safe zone in the Albert Street area to ensure that persons who come to Albert Street and shop and those who own business places can do their transaction without the fear of crime while doing so." |