Today, the Belize City House of Culture and Downtown Rejuvenation Project inaugurated Phase One of the Yaborough Green Restoration Project with the opening of the new basketball court.
Albert Division Area Rep. Tracey Taegar-Panton and her team were there to celebrate the first step in restoring not only the Yabra area, but the constituency's historical sites as well. Here's what Panton told us about the project and it's future...
Hon. Tracey Taegar Panton - Area Rep., Albert
"Well this project was envisioned quite some time again, maybe as far back as 2009 in which we wanted to preserve the green spaces in our community and also the colonial buildings in our community, which serves to tell. Allows us to congregate and also helps to share our history."
"The covering of the Yabra basketball court, the roofing of the court is only phase 1 of this project. There is also the rehabilitation of the Yabra football field which will be phase two. There will be restoration works that will be done at the house of culture, restoration works at the St. John's Cathedral, we're looking at a project at the Supreme Court in Belize City. There is the ACC urban gardens, that's a part of this initiative as well as the Paslow lot across the swing bridge."
"Is there a potential timeline that you can give us of you know when we will be seeing the other projects being completed?"
Hon. Tracey Taegar Panton - Area Rep., Albert
"Certainly by the end of 2019. They'll be done in Phases so over a period of the next 18 months of so the project should all be coming close to completion."
The project is funded by Taiwan ICDF and the Government of Belize. After the Ribbon Cutting the dignitaries got a tour of three historic buildings in the area, namely St. John's Cathedral, Government House and the Court House which will all be rehabilitated this year as part of the Belize City House of Culture and Downtown Rejuvenation Project. The project is scheduled to be completed by February, 2019.