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Fisherfolk Heroes | Fri, June 29, 2018 | | The Wildlife Conservation Society held it's 4th annual Outstanding Fisher of the Year Award today. The WCS recognized the fisherfolk who have gone above and beyond to positively represent the often under-appreciated fishing community. We spoke to the WCS's Country Director, Ralna Lewis, as well as one of the awardees. Here's what they had to say...
Ralna Lewis - Asst. Country Director, WCS
"So this is the fourth year that we're having the FIsher of the Year Award ceremony. It's a means for us to recognize our outstanding fishers in the Belize fishing community. Some of the criteria we use for selecting these individuals are: Those that contribute actively to the fishing industry. That means they're active fishers and as a result of that they're contributing to the production as well as contributing to the economy of our country. In addition to that we also look at fishers who are involved in organizing fisher associations actively involved in the fishing cooperative as well. SO that they can provide a united voice on behalf of the fishing community."
Paula Jacob Williams - Nominee
"Growing up in Punta Negra in a very small village of Punta Negra that was our, my mother and my father used to do fishing and that's the way I know fishing. So I fish, I come home, I catch my own fish and I cook my own fish."
"I feel proud and I feel happy of myself because I know that not only a man can do it but a woman can do it better than a man, so in the fishing industry we can."
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