Last night we brought you footage from the Mahogany Street blast. It happened around 4:20 on the east side of Mahogany Street. 3 persons were injured. Two have been treated and released, but police say one person, 21 year old Grayson Cadle is critical - he was in the apartment where the butane ignited.
We will get to all the details of exactly what happened yesterday and what the fire departments says caused the blast, but first to the aftermath.
Courtney Weatherburne has that story from the firsthand accounts of neighbors.
Courtney Weatherburne reporting
Florence Santos and her common-law husband may seem calm, enjoying the shade of their garage but they are still a bit shaken from yesterday's blast at their neighbor's house.
Courtney Weatherburne, reporter
"Have you ever experienced anything like this in your lifetime?"
Florence Santos, Neighbor
"First time in my life, first time in my life, first time."
Santos was sitting here yesterday evening with her two daughters, Lisa and June when the lower flat of the next door apartment exploded.
Florence Santos, Neighbor
"She had just come in and we stood up talking. And, 5 minutes after when we listen we hear this thing burst out, and we feel like sand and all we do is we cover our head. But when June put her hand on her head, June, yes June was right here. When she do so she saw blood in her hand. And when we run outside, we open the gate and went out on the street, we know it is over there the thing happen."
June was struck to the head with debris and her sister Lisa was hit in the back.
But it could have been worse if it wasn't for their Ford escort.
Florence Santos, Neighbor
"If that vehicle was not here we would have gotten everything, the full thing."
Courtney Weatherburne
"The full blast."
Florence Santos, Neighbor
"Yes but that vehicle save us."
The tenants upstairs were also spared. Travis Usher and his father were at work when the explosion happened. But when they came home and inspected their place, they found minimal damage.
Travis Usher, Tenant
"When I came to check and see, everything was intact upstairs so to the Grace of God I appreciate that."
That was far from the case for the tenants downstairs - nothing could have been salvaged. All that is left is a scatter of broken soot-stained furniture and household items.
The blast has also left 21 year old tenant Grayson Cadle in a critical condition at the hospital. He was inside when it happened:
Voice of: Resident
"I just see the young man run out in boxers, all burnt up."
"He ran out, he was burnt, half of his head was still on fire...bawling for help."
Now residents are trying to figure out what exactly caused the explosion. Many in the neighborhood are convinced that it wasn't a gas tank explosion.
Voice of: Resident
"It was not a butane explosion because the tank was still in-tact so I really don't know what caused the explosion."