What Is the Cure For Violence? |
Fri, August 10, 2018 |
Two weeks ago we showed you the group of police, politicians, security personnel, and social workers who were in New Orleans to learn about Project Cure. It's a program to stop the spread of crime by using a public health model, treating it like Doctors would a disease; they go directly to treat the infected and affected persons to stop the spread before it becomes an epidemic.
Deputy Compol Chester Williams was the most senior police officer in the contingent and he told us what he learned and what can be applied in Belize.
DCP Chester Williams - Commander of Operations
"And so what I think we need to do whilst we are already doing what they are doing and even more. What we need is a better structure. In terms of how we can operate to make ourselves more effective. That is not to say that what we are doing currently is not effective, because it is effective. I believe that if we can pool our resources together and work between our ministry and the ministry of human development that we would be able to achieve much more, because after all we have to understand that it is not a turf issue, it is a community issue and we have to see how we can work together to make ourselves more effective if we truly want to be able to tackle the scourge of crime in our community."