Data. Journalism. Training. |
Wed, August 29, 2018 |
As news reporters, we cover a number of workshops. Well, today we participated in one at the BTEC training room. The main topic was data journalism. It is an important form of journalism that uses data and technological tools to produce more accurate and compelling stories. Presenters from Columbia and Peru gave presentations on this topic via web conference. Reporters from different media houses including Channel 7 attended. Here is more.
Henry Wade, Local Coordinator, Trust for the Americas
"It is part of a series of trainings that we have provided to the civil society organizations, journalists, NGO's, members of the business community etc. Today's training is focusing on data journalism so we have international experts connected from various parts of the world online through a webinar format and they are sharing with us best practices, case studies that can be applied to the Belizean context."
"The importance of today's schedule is to shed light on data journalism and open data, it is to shed light on what it is, what the benefits of applying data to journalism in terms of developing stories, providing accurate information to tell the stories to the general public."
This training is part of a series of trainings under the "Promoting an Open Government Ecosystem in Belize project" which is an 18 month project.