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History Re-Enacted: Another Miskito King in Belize
Thu, September 6, 2018

It's one of the cornerstones of the history of Belize City: in the 1800's, three Miskito Indian Kings were crowned at St. John's Cathedral.  

It was a strategy by the British - which had some measure control over the Mosquito Coast in Honduras and Nicaragua - to use the Church of England to legitimize their faithful subjects - who were also fierce and loyal warriors.

It is the syncretism of pre-colonial statecraft and monarchical religion - and it had a 21st century replay at the St, John's Cathedral on Sunday. Here's what happened:..

The Miskitos are fighting for their autonomy and independence from the Nicaraguan government. 

Pedro Moore says he feels right at home in Belize.  We note that descendants of Miskito's in Belize were commonly called Waika's - which in Miskito creole is a term of endearment, similiar to "bra-ah-law".

In 1787, when the British ceded control of the Mosquito Coast to the Spanish, the British re-settled 537 free people, together with 1,677 slaves, from Mosquitia to the Bay settlement in British Honduras, which is present-day Belize.

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