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Major Crime Down Month to Month
Mon, September 17, 2018
And, despite all this crime news, the Ministry of National security says major crime is down.

National security Minister John Saldivar had his monthly meeting today with the senior members of Security Forces, which includes the Belize Police Department, the Belize Defense Force and the Belize Coast Guard.

They say that in the month of August major crimes, countrywide, fell by twenty-seven percent (27%) compared to July. One hundred (100) major crimes were reported in August compared to one hundred thirty-seven (137) in July.

Play Di Pan, Man!

And, crime was not the concern yesterday at the BTL Park for the NICH Pan Yaad concert.

It played from 2:30 to 6:30 and was live on Channel 7.

We leave you tonight with highlites - and join me back here tomorrow…

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