And keeping it in the nationalist spirit, Prime Minister Dean Barrow won't be here for Independence Day, and that means the National Day Address will be delivered by Acting PM, Patrick Faber.
But even as he recovers from back surgery in Cuba, PM Barrow has sent his own message. It says, quote, "I have been reflecting on just how glorious an achievement (our Independence) was…We were confronted by twin, seemingly insurmountable odds: a large, militarized neighbour with an unjust and illegal claim to our country…and a colonial power reluctant to do what was necessary to help finalize our secure freedom. But we would not be deterred. And history records the tremendous persistence and skill with which Belize persevered and overcame…No one doubted that its triumph stamped our small country as one destined for greatness." End quote.
From there the PM moves to the ICJ vote, and he writes, quote, "if next April, we decide to deploy the newly available legal tool of our impregnable ICJ court case, it will mark the beginning of the end for Damocles and his sword."
He finishes with one of his trademark flourishes, writing quote, "Let us celebrate the success of an Independence well won - a job well done…. Let us be assured that metal forged in fire is unbreakable. And that mettle produced by struggle is unconquerable.
Thus it is that we march straight on. Nothing can daunt us, nothing can stop us. Let us remember those architects of Belizean Independence, of Belizean exceptionality. And long may they inspire us."