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Best Social Studies Class Ever
Fri, October 26, 2018
Today students from 15 primary school probably had the most fun and entertaining social studies class ever. They competed in the finals of the 3rd annual History and Social Studies Competition and the kids were excited and engaged. We dropped by to meet the top finishers who were equally excited about their prizes.

Albert Avila, Community Liaison Officer, Belize City House of Culture
"This is one of our key initiatives, the soft component for the project. It is the 3rd year we are holding the history and social studies competition."

"We are looking at historic dates, we are looking at historic events, catastrophes, historic buildings, historic places, general history a little bit of historic geography."

"The purpose of the competition is projected towards the youth, to build a culture of preservation for our history and culture but to do that we are doing it through education and sometimes kids see education as boring so we have to create that excitement which is why we have this competition, in there is pretty noisy. That is pretty much the idea. We want to bring history alive."

Dwight Gillett, Holy Redeemer - 1st Place
"Right now I feel great because I won some amazing prizes and I cant wait for tonight, I will get treated."

"So how did you prepare for this competition?"

Dwight Gillett, Holy Redeemer - 1st Place
"I took a long while but as soon as I further progress and knew more of the answers and it started getting shorter but it looks like it all paid off."

"I learned a lot about Belize and I can't wait to tell my sister that I won."

Tryrone Mckoy Jr., St. Ignatius School - 2nd Place
"Seeing how this is my first time in any official competition and so I am not that sad. I studied hard and it paid off."

"I like learning about Belize because the entire competition teach me things I didn't know."

The kids were given the material to study from February. Holy Redeemer's 1st place winner Dwight Gillett got a laptop, printer and $500, 2nd place St. Ignatius student Tyrone Mckoy got also got a laptop, printer and $400. 3rd to 7th place also received awards.

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