PM & DPM’s Casual Dismissal Of “Proposal 22” Starts Union firestorm |
Wed, October 31, 2018 |
The teachers union is militant and engaged tonight. Their target? The Minister of Education. And it's all because of these remarks he gave at the Prime Minister's press conference on Monday.
He spoke about "Proposal 22" - which is a matter of unfinished business from the last collective bargaining agreement between government and the union.
The issue is grant aided schools and pensions for teachers. Grant aided teachers only get 70% of their salaries from government - and the rest from the various church managements. So when it comes to their pensions - the managements should also chip in. Government said it would help the unions get it out of the management's - but cannot contribute that amount itself.
Education Minister Faber and the Prime Minister expressed that on Wednesday:
Hon. Patrick Faber - Minister of Education
"The Proposal 22 that has to do with the benefits for pension and gratuity for those denominational and community schools are not on the table anymore, as the Prime Minister has said. So, the matter of pension and gratuity or that 30% is not yet alive, to make that absolutely clear."
Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - PM
"Cabinet has looked at it and I will tell you right off that the answer to that request is no."