Transport Officers Caught Smuggling |
Mon, December 3, 2018 |
A shadow of shame is hanging over the Transport Department tonight after officers were caught smuggling contraband beer this weekend in a transport cruiser.
It happened on Sunday afternoon at Tower Hill Village by the Guinea Grass Junction. A joint customs and police patrol had specific information that this Toyota Four Runner was moving contraband. They stopped and searched the cruiser and found 14 cases of Modelo canned beer. Three transport officers were inside: two from the city and one from Sandhill. They were detained and taken to the Orange Walk Customs office where they were given the option to settle or fight the charges in court. 7News has confirmed that they settled - and the case was dropped - which is standard procedure for private citizens. But for public officers, well, that's another matter.
But, of course, they were in a government vehicle and a law enforcement vehicle at that, and it is a clear violation of the public trust they are hired to uphold. We'll be following up with the transport department to see what sanctions will follow.