The Deputy Commissioner also took questions from the press about the police's engagement in the search effort to locate 23 year-old Anisha Young. She's been missing for about 9 days now, and you saw last week Wednesday's Newscast, how her family went to camp out in front of the Queen Street Police Station, demanding that police do more to help them look for her.
Williams acknowledged today that police will be doing more to provide support to Anisha's family, in the hopes that they can get closure in the case:
Chester Williams- Deputy ComPol, Operations
"Since the disappearance of Miss Young, I was away, but I have remained in constant dialogue with the family members as well as with Mr. Cowo who you know is in charge of CIB here in Belize City. And we have received a number of leads in respect of this matter, all of which we have followed, with the assistance of the family members. You would know that the family member have been aggressively out there conducting searches on the Philip Goldson Highway, through the Boom Road, as well as the Maskall Road area. And so far, every lead that has been received have been followed and turned out to be futile. I will be meeting with the family members again today at three, myself and Mr. Cowo, and we'll see what else can be done because as you know that time is running out. We're hoping that she is still alive somewhere, so, we're expecting the worst, but at the end of the day, we're still hoping for the best."
"I will task Mr. Cowo after this conference is over to work more closely with the family because I know that they have had complaints in the past that they are not getting the level of help that they would want from the police and I have assured them that we will do all we can. I'm sure that people would appreciate that at this time of the year we do have a lot of commitments, but we have to see how we can balance what we do and try to make some adjustments to be able to have a complement of officers dedicated to the family in the search for Anisha Young."
Like the family, police are hoping for the best, but they are preparing for the worst, given the amount of time that Young has been missing.