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Guat Consul Says Bze-Guat Border Relationship is Personal, not Political
Wed, December 19, 2018
Ten members of the press returned from Guatemala today - but not before stopping off in Benque Viejo - where they spoke with Edgar Chan, the Guatemalan Consul General in Belize. He's Guatemala's man on the ground in western Belize - and deals with day to day border issues between the neighboring countries. He spoke on the issue of renunciation of citizenship by those Guatemalans who want to become naturalized Belizeans. He said the documents come automatically from Belize's ministry of foreign affairs:..

"But in the case of renunciation, does the embassy deal with those cases?"

Edgar Chan, Guat. Consul General - Benque Viejo
"No. That is only dealt with officially by the foreign affairs ministries. The Belize Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Guatemalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

"It's not that the person has to send a declaration to say...?"

Edgar Chan
"No. Automatically - if we go by the most recent cases - the renunciations are sent."

"And the validity of that renunciation before the Guatemalan constitution and nationality laws?"

Edgar Chan
"In Guatemala, dual nationality is permitted - constitutionally; in Belize no."

"Therefore is renunciation allowed in Guatemala?"

Edgar Chan
"Yes. It is allowed. You are free to renounce. There'd be no problem."

But, Chan made it clear that he does not deal with issues at that high policy level. He's stationed in Benque, and his issues have to do with what happens in the field:..

Edgar Chan, Guat. Consul General - Benque Viejo
"The Embassy looks at the political issue. We here - it's as if we are dealing in the field work. We deal with consular matters. The political issue is the referendum, the claim - we don't look at anything that has to do with the political matter. Our responsibility is consular assistance, to help, to transact as stipulated by the Vienna Convention."

And, Chan makes it clear that on the ground, the differences at the sovereign level do not influence the engagements between Belize and Guatemala. He said that the relationships are more than diplomatic; they are personal:..

Edgar Chan, Guat. Consul General - Benque Viejo
"To date, I'll be honest with you, we have not had any problems with Belizean authorities. We have worked very well with immigration, customs, police, the courts. We have done some work on information and access to information. We have not had any problem as a result of any litigation but up to now, more than a diplomatic relationship, we have an interpersonal relationship."

Chan said Guatemalans living in Belize make up 5% of Belize's population. He said the largest populations are Benque Viejo with about 1500 and around 2000 in Stann Creek. Chan himself has his children studying in Benque as opposed to their hometown of Flores.

He added that between 300 and 400 adult Guatemalans travel on a daily basis to Benque and San Ignacio for work. They engage in construction work, house work, clearing yards, etc.

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