Several weeks ago, news broke that Paulette Elrington, daughter of Foreign Affairs Minister Wilfred Elrington, and contract officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a request for study leave, with her full pay and all her allowances.
The Amandala Newspaper broke the story 3 weeks ago, that a leaked internal memorandum from within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that Paulette Elrington is seeking to study law at UWI. The issue that she is also seeking her full pay and allowances, while on study leave, and if it is approved, she would be reportedly be earning just under 192 thousand dollars per year - her current salary as Foreign Officer at the Permanent Mission of Belize in New York City.
Well, the Public Service Union has released a statement today vehemently objecting to this request which it calls "nepotism". The press release says, quote, "The… (PSU) would like to ardently state its strong objection to the request for study leave with full pay and allowances intact for Ms. Paulette Elrington." End quote.
Their statement continues, quote, "PSU condemns the blatant and continuous display of nepotism being exhibited by the current administration. PSU wishes to inform the Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that permanent posts should be created based on need, and not to facilitate study leave that persons on contract are not qualified for. In addition, study leave for over a year should never be approved at 100% salary commitment at the expense and detriment of the people Belize, and the special allowances being requested for Ms. Elrington are not afforded to officers whilst on study leave." End quote.
Their statement of condemnation ends by saying quote, "PSU is disappointed that the Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would even put forward such a recommendation for consideration by the Ministry of Public Service, and calls on the Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Public Service to reject the request in its entirety." End quote.