And while the PM handles ICJ matters at the policy levels, on the ground his area representatives and standard bearers are out trying to rally that yes vote. We asked one of the UDP's three term representatives how it's going:
Hon. Edmonf Castro- UDP Area Rep, Belize Rural North
"In the beginning I said I will wait to get the information, educate myself on the issue and then I will make a decision. When you guys asked me a year ago that was my answer. So, I spent time to get the information and we are going around my constituency providing the information to our people so that they can make an informed decision on a yes vote, so we can put this Guatemalan dispute, once and for all, behind us."
Jules Vasquez - Reporter
"What would be the difference in mobilization between the PUP and the UDP. the UDP is totally yes, the PUP is totally no. Will it come down to mobilization? And we know mobilization means money."
Hon. Edmond Castro
"Well, I cannot speak for the opposition. But what I can say is that the Belize Rural North team, we have one of the best machinery in the country. So, we will prove that once again and we will treat it just like a general election. We will bring out our people and we will get a yes vote."
Jules Vasquez
"We know that the previous PUP Standard Bearer, he has gone on a very strident campaign, even saying that people who vote yes should be put up against the wall, I believe he has said, the day after the vote come in. Didn't he post something like that? So, I am just saying how do you view it in your area?"
Hon. Edmond Castro
"Well, when he decided to run against me, I told him that I would hug him, kiss him, and beat him. I never stringed him up against the wall because those people voted for me. He is my friend and I think that the majority of people, the poll will show the night of the 10th, that the people of Belize Rural North are sensible enough to make the decision for a yes vote."