We also asked the mayor about an issue that's in the background, but could become controversial. 7News has received credible information that a business outfit directly related to one of the city councillors is being considered to receive a contract to paint two council structures, including city hall. The contract was not put out to tender and the business is not registered. Today, the mayor said he signed no contract but wouldn't deny that there is a proposal out there:...
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"I understand that the council is going to be painted, that you all have retained the services of a company named AG Construction. I looked for them in the registry, I didn't see them."
Bernard Wagner, Mayor - Belize City
"Because there is no company and nothing has been signed."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"But AG is the initial of a councillor?"
Bernard Wagner, Mayor - Belize City
"I can't speak to that. AG could mean the attorney general. So AG doesn't mean anything to me until there is a penned document. So again, the stories coming out has no basis. I deal with facts. I always try to deal with facts and anytime I bring the facts to you I present black and white. There is no documentation to that effect. We have not signed any contract."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Obviously something is on the table though."
Bernard Wagner, Mayor - Belize City
"I am thinking about rebranding the buildings. I love the colour of the new municipal hall and I feel that as a new council we would want to undertake some rebranding of our buildings and of our assets."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Has a councillor proposed eh I have somebody, I have a company or a business unregistered that can do the job?"
Bernard Wagner, Mayor - Belize City
"I can't comment on that until that matter is signed or there is something on the table then I would be certainly glad to bring it and clarify all the matters for you."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Sir, but you would consider signing a contract with someone who has a vested in interest in the council?"
Bernard Wagner, Mayor - Belize City
"Of course not."