Turning back now to today's Senate meeting - the PUP's senior senator Eamon Courtenay spent a fair portion of his presentation going back over the PUP's long established opposition to the Special Agreement not being taken to the House of Representatives. And he took special mention of this newscast because we roped him in as one of those acrobats, who flip and flop- across issues. Today he said he's been on record from before the signing saying it must go the house of representatives for approval:..
Hon. Eamon Courtney- PUP Senator
"December 3rd 2008, before the special agreement was signed, the document is from the virtual library of InterAmerican peace initiatives. 3rd of December 2008, OAS (Organization of American States), and it is speaking Mr. President about the special agreement that was going to be signed on then 8th of December 2008. And I want to read the last three paragraphs taken from this document. Listen carefully Jules. 'Notably- referring to the specially agreement- that document even though it has been vetted by the cabinets of both countries, has still note been made public. Government of Belize officials have said that the document will be made public only after it is signed in Washington. Officials of the opposition, People's United Party, have expressed the view that even before the document is signed at the OAS, it should go to the National Assembly, which is the body legally empowered to submit an issue of national importance to a country wide referendum.' 3rd of December 2008, Official OAS Document in the archives of the OAS, the position of the People's United Party was made clear; get it right. Don't pedal propaganda. The position of the People's United Party was made clear before the special agreement was signed. What is interesting, and you can check this Jules, what is interesting is that on October 15th 2008 the Hon. Prime Minister said in an interview, and I have it here if you want to check it AG- the PM was wrong?- the PM of this country said, 'The special agreement will be taken to the National Assembly for its consideration.' Check it again Jules. On the 3rd of December 2008, the Prime Minister repeated that the National Assembly would consider the Special Agreement. Check it again Jules; on the 6th of November 2008, our dear departed Ambassador Fred Martinez, who was in charge of the process said, 'The special agreement will be taken to the national assembly for it to be considered.' To this day, none of these promises have been held."
Tomorrow, we'll have a few more highlites from today's lengthy Senate meeting.