New SSB Contribution Schedule Approved For June 1st. |
Thu, June 6, 2019 |
You probably don't know it - and if you did it would keep you up at night…but the social security fund is near a dangerous tipping point. Every year, the fund is running multi million dollar deficits - because there aren't sufficient contributions to support to burgeoning cost of pensions.
And, so after getting hard won buy-in from all the social partners, including the unions and the business sector, Social security has now gotten approval from Cabinet to implement a new revised schedule of contributions - the first in decades.
It will mean more payments for those making more than 320 dollars weekly - but also an increase in benefits.
The new schedule is proposed to go into effect on July first - but first there will be another round of information sharing before that. The session with the media will be held next week and we will have much more information then.