And, the documents quotes communications which suggest that Prime Minister Barrow owed Sanctuary Belize - and because of that, he would be fulfilling a wish list for them. Here’s how they put it, and his response:…
Rt. Hon Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"Barrow owes a great deal of any positive sentiment that he has about Belize because of marketing, to us and he should be very willing to help Sanctuary Belize in any way possible end of quotation. Just the previous day, Bake emailed Pukke, and Baker made the same point: Pukke has quotations, an upcoming meeting with Barrow, he should give Barrow a wish list and Barrow is likely to help because he owes SBE for its successful telemarketing campaign in the Unites States. And then they go on to other important connections. Let us stop there, a part from the fact that there was no such meeting, where is the wish list? What is it that I am supposed to have been asked? Do they say well there was the meeting and Barrow granted the wish list? Absolutely not, it stops right there but just the fact that they alleged that I had a meeting with these people, whom I would owed not for the personal favor but for having raise the profile of Belize and they should submit a wish list, is enough of course to have people draw, unkind people who are numberless, all sorts of absolutely untoward, wrong and unjustified conclusions. There are other important connections between the Belizean government and SBE. In one draft marketing communication, whether that is true or not, I don't know but obviously if it was in draft it never materialized but SBE planned to tell US consumers in quotation marks, that the Prime Minister, Hon. Dean Barrow, owns a lot at Sanctuary Belize, end of quotation marks. Although Barrow's name does not appear on any lot lists, he may have rights through another person or entity, and his law partner, Rodwell Williams has a lot. Now how do you deal with something like that? You say that somebody said that I own a lot, you go and check and I own no lot but you don't leave it there, you say but maybe somebody might front for him, how does one deal with that? Absolutely outrageous. SBE also had contacts throughout the Barrow's government among other examples SBE defendant, again another defendant Frank Costango, communicated with Patrick Faber, the deputy prime minister. Now, communicated to what end? In some improper way? That's not said but Faber tells me, like me, he had no communication with any Frank Costango or anybody concerning Sanctuary Bay. So they have these people who are defendants, who’s word obviously cannot be relied on, say these sorts of things and they go from there. Glenford Ysguirre, the former Governer of the Central Bank and Jose Heredia, Minister of Tourism." |