An Odd Embassy Escapade |
Tue, July 23, 2019 |
The Belize Embassy in Washington - 99% of us will never go there - and that's not necessarily a bad thing; generally, walking through an embassy is about as exciting as going to the CB Hyde building.
Except, the sterile monotony of an embassy is occasionally punctuated by charming splashes of kitsch and decorated with transplanted trinkets. You're just as likely to run into Sir Colville's Pataki as you are to find a Samuel Haynes songbook…indeed, foreign embassies can be slightly strange.
But, not the Belize Embassy in Washington. Fox 5 in Washington DC has the grim task of Embassy hopping and to spare all of us the tip to Belize's digs - they went there - and here's what they saw:./…
If you want to see it all again - you can find a link at