And, in other media news, this weekend Belizean media professionals attended a workshop on coastal management and the reef.
Earth Journalism Network, an international organization that trains journalists from dozens of developing countries, hosted the training in collaboration with OCEANA and Healthy Reefs.
It began on Saturday at the Radisson and ended on Sunday with a field trip to Goff's Caye, Sargeant's Caye and Swallow Caye. Healthy Reefs for Healthy People's country coordinator Nicole Craig spoke to us about the topics discussed at the workshop and the significance of it.
Nicole Craig, Country Coordinator, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People
"I was able to talk about the reef report card but there were other speakers there who spoke about other issues we see in the marine environment like fishing, dredging, coastal development. We talked a bit about valuing the reef for our economy and the people here so those are important topics we find over time may not get translated as well as they should to the people who need to know about these issues like the Belizean people so I feel this workshop was important for us to help bridge that gap to kinda help translate that message between the science community and the media community for us to better relay that to the Belizean people who should be aware of these issues and should be concerned."
"On the second day we went on a field trip which essentially gave us first-hand sight and experience in these environments and looking at some of the challenges. I am sure Mr. Valdemar was able to explain some of the importances of mangroves in a different way and in a simple way as you are sitting there in a boat next to it and really seeing for yourself why this is important and getting a better understanding."
"Leaving from the workshop I was able to communicate with journalists a bit better and so I was able to form collaborations with them and keep these kinds of stories in the media more often and not just when there is an issue or a report card release we call the media but try and keep that engagement year round because that is very important."
This is the first time EJN has come to Belize and hosted a training.
EJN offers story grants for journalists. The application is on their website. The deadline is August 21st.