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American Gets Bail for Murder
Fri, August 16, 2019
An American national, who was charged for murder, got bail today. He is Twenty-two year old Kafele Garcia. Justice Herbert Lord offered him bail of $50,000 with 1 surety or 2 sureties of $25,000 each. The bail was granted on several conditions: One of them was that Garcia is not to be seen on the street between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 6 a.m. Another condition is that he must surrender all of his travel documents to the court and he is not to leave the jurisdiction of the court without the permission of a judge of the Supreme Court. Also he is not to interfere with any of the prosecution witnesses.

The incident occurred on October 14, 2015, on Edwin Parks Street in Lord's Bank. According to an eye witness, Ervin Franklin was cursing at a woman and assaulting her while she and another man were walking on Edwin Parks Street and Garcia intervened and a struggle ensued between him and Franklin. During the struggle Garcia is alleged to have thrown punches at Franklin several times and Franklin fell to the ground and blood was seen coming from his body. Garcia was represented by attorney Anthony Sylvestre who in his application for bail said that Garcia has been on remand for about 4 years and the trial will be held in the near future. The Crown was represented by Crown Counsel Sherigne Rodriguez.

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