There is a very disturbing video which has gone viral on social media this evening. It shows 5 police officers attempting without success to restrain a half naked young woman in the street - and they end up using extreme measures to do so.
It all played out at the corner of Pink's Alley and North Front Street. The young lady was reportedly being taken from court to jail after a court appearance in connection with arson at the Belize Youth Hostel. Somehow she got out of the police van - and was trying to get away - and putting up one heck of a fight.
The female officer could not restrain her, so male officers got involved and she is seen struggling with the officers who threaten to "eff her up" - to which the crowd responded, "You won't do that out here" and that the police should stop treating her as if she's an animal.
Then three other officers enters the scene and proceed to help their colleagues place handcuffs on the young woman.
She fights them with every bit of her strength even head butting at one of the officers. He responds by seeming to slam her her head back against the metal door of a police car. But, we note that there was also another girl inside who was slamming to get out.
They finally get one of the cuffs on her with citizens shouting "You'll have to take her to the hospital now." when she breaks free once more and attempts to strike at the officers. At this point she is violently put in a chokehold and citizens begin to attack the police in disapproval of the lengths they've gone to restrain her.
Still somehow, she and another girl - we are told managed to get away. Latest reports is that they ere re-captured by police.
We'll have more on this developing story tomorrow.