There is an intriguing story coming out of the Immigration Department tonight - and it shows major friction between the Minister of State, Beverly Williams and the Director, Diana Locke.
Also, it suggest some questionable activity at one of the medical universities in Belize.
7NEWS has learned that in September, immigration charges were brought against 21 Indian students at Columbus University in Ladyville. Routine checks at the schools to make sure that the students had all their requisite permits allowing study and residence in Belize - showed that their fees had not been paid as required. It also showed that the school had possession of their passports; and that's always a red flag.
So, they were hauled to court. And that's when the Minister of State for Immigration got involved. She directed the department to withdraw the charges and allow them to pay their fines. Except the Department didn't withdraw the charges - until the case went back on Monday. We're told that the Director Diana Locke wrote a letter to the Magistrate saying that she was withdrawing the charges at the minister of state's directive.
Today at the House Of Representatives in Belmopan - we asked the Minister why she directed that the charges be withdrawn - and we got some interesting answers:
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Indications are that you directly interceded in this case to have the case withdrawn at court. I say this because we have learn that there is a letter from the director to the magistrate saying that upon directives from the minister we are withdrawing this case - indicates that the technical people at the department want to pursue this case but the minister seems to have a special friend at Columbus University. What's your comment?"
Hon. Beverly Williams, Minister of State, Immigration
"There is no special friend at Columbus University, Jules. The matter was brought to my attention by the officer in charge at the airport. They found some irregularities in deed in terms of student's permits, missing student permits. As it were I got a call from Ms. Allen and she explained that there were some administrative glitches. When I inquired in the department of immigration, I learnt that there are varying approaches to issuing of the students permits. Sometimes they get update stamps instead of the student's permits and so I advised that they collect the revenue. That was what was most on my mind - over $40,000. On that very day the people were prepared to pay and of you want then then you can issue a very stern warning that we will not in the future tolerate any of those administrative glitch and may proceed to court in the future. That advice was not taken into consideration and they went to court. What I was told is that as soon as they got to court the magistrate had indicated 'well why is this before me, this is something you all could have settled.' Subsequent to that I then said "well, I'm instructing you to kindly withdraw the case." That was how the letter was written. I have not read the letter so I cannot comment."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"They went to court against your wishes."
Hon. Beverly Williams
"Well. Against my advice."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Which is an expression of your wishes. However, there is an extenuating factor here because there is a human trafficking dimension. Once you hold someone passport, it raises the specter of human traffic. I understand the school had these 21 students' passports."
Hon. Beverly Williams
"Well in deed because all the students were accounted for. They were on campus, they are in country, they didn't move north and so I advise that they return the passports and do so quickly by updating the stamps. I am hoping that it was done."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"However, you know how sensitive the human trafficking issue is an I am saying that we know that there are many Indian students here and that is an area that we know outsiders look at, because sometimes people are headed north. When passports are being held that is a red flag. As minister of state you know this."
Hon. Beverly Williams
"We should not be holding the passports of those students, so if we have possession of those passports, it's to ensure that the students permits are entered in those passports, but we should not hold them while they are waiting for their court case. I advised to release those passports also."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Did you do this as a special favor for Peggy Allen from Columbus University?"
Hon. Beverly Williams
"Absolutely not. I just when the case was presented I look at the facts and I gave an advice and I was fortunate that the magistrate said the same thing "why is this before me? This is something that could have been sorted out administratively.""
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Is this an indication that the political directorate and the director of the department are somewhat out of step?"
Hon. Beverly Williams
"You would have to ask her that, Jules. I'm in step."
As we reported last night, Director Locke will be retiring next month.