10 days ago, we showed you our interview with Senator Aldo Salazar.
He's the chairman of the Senate Special Select Committee on Immigration, and since the hearings concluded in December 2017, the public has been patiently waiting for the committee to produce a final report.
Chairman Salazar has told us that he has been churning away at the nearly 300 hours of transcribed testimony from all witnesses who testified. You'll remember that those witnesses had to answer uncomfortable questions about corruption within Immigration and Nationality.
Well, the National Trade Union Congress of Belize says that it is dissatisfied in the performance of the Chairman.
In a press release sent today, that umbrella union said, quote, "The NTUCB wishes to place on record its disappointment at the lame excuses made by Senator Aldo Salazar regarding the status of the… Senate Select Committee's Report. It has now been almost two years since hearings regarding the Auditor General's Report on Immigration and Nationality were conducted and to date, no report has been produced much less a draft of a report." End quote.
They go on to quote what the Chairman said, in that interview with us on October 18th.
In it, Salazar said, "The exigencies of my professional life, as well as my personal life and so on, have not allowed me to complete it. That's not to say that it won't be completed, or that's not an excuse. But that is the reality, I am working on it. That's all I can say."
Well, as to that explanation the NTUCB says, quote, "As the Chair of the Committee, and an appointed Senator, Hon. Salazar has the responsibility to the Belizean people in completing the Draft Report despite personal "exigencies." Senator Salazar accepted that position knowing the responsibilities therefore to now tell the Belizean people that his "professional and personal life" has kept him from doing his duties is total disrespect and disregard towards the Belizean people who he swore to serve… The NTUCB, therefore, calls on Chairman Salazar to treat the people's business with some respect and expedite the completion of the Report for presentation to the Honorable Senate. Having paid for this inquiry, the people of this nation expect and deserve no less." End quote.