Caribbean Exposed To Risks Of Illegally Trafficked WMD Materials |
Wed, November 6, 2019 |
Terrorist activities and Weapons of Mass destruction are not terms that seem urgently relevant in a country like Belize. In fact, Belizeans might only ever har about them by watching CNN or Al Jazeera. But The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean believes that disarmament and non proliferation of WMD's are every country's business.
They say the Caribbean region has become more and more exposed to the risks posed by illegal trafficking of WMD related materials, some of which are commonly traded within and through the Caribbean.
In an effort to combat those risks Belize is playing host to a 2 day seminar entitled "Caribbean Seminar on United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540: Weapons of Mass Destruction Focus Lists, Licensing Protocols and Risk Assessment". 7 News was there for the Seminar's opening remarks by Commissioner Chester Williams.
This seminar is targeted toward customs officials and its goals are threefold: to develop effective strategic trade controls, to strengthen the technical capacity of customs officers in conducting risk assessments, and to promote regional dialogue on strategic trade controls.