Saltpickers and Storytellers |
Fri, November 15, 2019 |
The Leo Bradley Library welcomed author Zoila Ellis today as she presented her new book, The Salt Pickers. The book is the ninth in Cubola Productions Belizean Writer's series which previously featured mainstays of the High school literature curriculum. And the author of "On Heroes, Lizards and Passion" and "Pataki Full" presents this new volume to speak to the particular concerns of female identity across all the countries and cultures that she's inhabited. You may want to pick up your own copy of the Saltpickers to experience what Ellis's publisher calls a mature vision of women is society.
And if you missed the Belize city launch you still have a chance to get your copy signed during a face to face with the author at the next launch which will take place on November 18th at Eccumenical High school in Dangriga.