In July 2011, a mob of Succotz villagers attacked accused child molester Roy Cumberbatch, they beat him within inches of his life and handed him over to police. Then, in August 2014, another band of angry Succotz villagers protested and burnt tires on the road in response to the death of Yolanda Consuelo Valencia, and her taxi driver Yannie Evan Cu - both victims of an accident allegedly caused by the former Deputy Police Commissioner Miguel Segura. Those stories made headlines and, tonight, Succtoz villagers are in the headlines again. Last night, in the truly unified, spirited and "no-nonsense" Succotz fashion, a mob of villagers combed the Nazarene area in search of thieves who they believe have been terrorizing the community over the last couple weeks. Courtney Weatherburne went to Succotz to find out more about the recent robberies and what is being done to keep residents safe.
A squad of law enforcement officers were in the Nazarene area of San Jose Succotz this afternoon. It seems they were there to survey the area.
Well Succotz residents could have used the police's manpower last night when a crew of thieves were roaming the village looking for their next target. Over the last couple weeks, there have been a series of vehicle and motorcycle robberies in the village and the residents say that the police have not been doing their job.
So last night, residents took matters into their own hands, forming an armed mob and chasing after the alleged culprits.
Voice: of Resident
"Yes we had 30 vehicles and about 100 neighbors who had flashlight, sticks and machete trying to catch this person but unfortunately, it didn't happen."
Jorge Chulin, Resident
"I saw my Succotz people coming out, that is good because no police man come and do this thing, you know what they target, poor drunk man like me, that is what they target, they come and arrest you and beat up you when they those things happen, they don't want to come you know they put some kind of complaint that they can't come in, I am happy that this started and it won't stop, all Succotz are angry with what Guatemalans doing and I won't mince my words."
While Chulin is convinced that it is Guatemalans who are invading their village, another resident believes it is a mix of Guatemalans and Succotz residents who are terrorizing the community.
Voice of: Resident
"We here at the village, we are analyzing stuff, the vehicle targeted are more Toyota and you know Toyota vehicles are very popular in Guatemala so the people who are stealing these vehicles are Guatemalans but the ones going around homes shaking the windows and doors they are local thieves."
One resident is still trying to recover from a terrifying encounter with 3 of those armed robbers about a week ago. He told us that he was at home with his wife and kids when the thieves held him up and stole this Toyota truck from him."
Voice: of Resident
"It was around 8:15 in the night when I heard the dogs barking and as I step out I saw someone point a gun to my wife, so there was another person who had jumped the window and had a gun as well. This next person opened the door and a third person came. So as that happened my kids start to cry. My first reaction was to open my arms so that I somehow protect them. As that happened one of the robbers asked for the car keys, but as my children start to cry, my wife started to get in a shock. So the person that was standing outside he tried shoot my wife. So my reaction was to get the keys and tell the person that's the key and you could take the vehicle. Then they strap my wife and they had her facing the ground. They did the same thing to me and then I saw they ran out the house and from there I tried to loose myself."
He freed himself and his wife and called the police but he says that his relatives from Bullet Tree arrived before the police.
Aside from turning into vigilantes by night, residents are taking a proactive approach by clearing the bushy areas that thieves would use as cover.
Voice of: Resident
"We have been trying to clean the area, because we have receive information that robbers are coming through the high bush in our area and so I want to have the place as clear as possible so we can sight them from far. I know that the community at the moment is in high alert."
The San Jose Succutz chairman says he too is working with authorities to restore a sense of safety and peace in the community.
Alfredo Manzanero, Succotz Village Chairman
"We are working with the village council first, second, the minister of the area and also the minister of national security to implement some security in the area."
Now as we speak, Commissioner Chester Williams is meeting with Succotz residents. It's a community meeting where Williams is accompanied by Senior Command Officers. Tomorrow, he will be doing a tour of the Arenal road/community and hold a meeting with the residents of the Benque Viejo at 6:00 pm."
Aside from Succotz, as we have reported, there has also been a number of car-jackings on the Hydro Road in the Pine Ridge area, Cayo including last Thursday's case involving the Deputy Mayor of Benque, Alvaro Gongora.
And, in Belmopan, residents are also concerned because thieves broke into the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on the ring road on Saturday night. And then former Belmopan Mayor and well known businessman Anthony Chanona was held up at gunpoint as he exited the same church on Monday night. So, all western communities are on high alert.