And while that was his contention - the media’s contention yesterday was that the use of WhatsApp message seemed irregular. And the revelation that they er using WhatsApp and not radio seemed to be a contradiction - since 10 days earlier, the General had said that the helicopter was equipped with a radio for communication. Here are his remarks on Friday February 28, and yesterday:
February 28, 2020
Jules Vasquez
"Are you all able to say what is the radio range, CEO, General Minister, the radio range of the helicopter and would a distress call have been made? Would that have been picked up by anyone?"
Brig. General Steven Ortega - Commander BDF
"Yes it would, the helicopter has range throughout the entire country. Whichever part of the country it can call back into base."
Jules Vasquez
"General, at the last press conference you said that the BDF had radio coverage in the helicopter which was national across the whole country, that's what you said. Would you please address that inconsistency with what have now learnt today."
Brig. General Steven Ortega
"Like I said, they chose to use the WhatsApp. I know that there are radio communication in the helicopter." |