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COVID Kits Coming to Belize
Mon, March 16, 2020

Tomorrow, we'll let you know what they decided on the protest.  But, a lot of the social tension that's been building would decrease if the general public was confident that at - risk persons are being actively tested, and that there are enough tests available.  Today, the Prime Minister gave an update on the the efforts to acquire more testing kits:

Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow- Prime Minister
"I would say that what we don't have we are about to receive. We have already ordered extra testing kits from a company called Roche, a German company, not necessarily operating in Germany. We are getting additional kits from PAHO, we are getting kits from several sources. We have put in a request to the Cubans. I saw where they sent a number of personnel to Jamaica to assist Jamaica. We have already put in a long list. Apart from what we are prepared to pay for out of our own resources, and remember Mrs. Grant can make this $20 million available early o clock, as soon as we can pass the additional allocation to the budget and the million US from CABEI will be in our coffers by Friday. So, the immediate needs, in terms of scaling up, with respect to equipment and to protective gear and that sort of thing we are able to take care of." 

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