Briceno Supports State of Emergency |
Tue, March 31, 2020 |
Notably, no wage cuts were proposed for government workers. Government's wage bill is almost half a billion dollars - and the initial projections are for a GDP contraction on more than 10%.
Financially, it's going to be deep hole for government to dig itself out of - but don't look for the opposition to try and make cheap points off it in a time of national crisis. Today, the Leader Of The Opposition shared the head table with the PM and said he supports the National State Of Emergency unreservedly:
Hon. John Briceno, Leader of the Opposition
"I am satisfied, having received the best advice available from experts and after consultations that it is in the public's interest to support the decision to declare a state of emergency. If we all practice social distancing, good hygiene and obey the rules and regulations that will be promulgated, I expect that the period of emergency will be quite limited. Our goal as a people should be to work to end the spread of the virus in Belize, so that we can end this period of emergency as soon as possible."