Grade Promotions Automatic |
Mon, April 20, 2020 |
So, distance and home learning will continue, but that means curriculum learning is disrupted, so, the decision right now is that all students will be promoted to the next grade. It may sound outlandish, but these are extraordinary times, and here's the announcement:
Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education
"For pre-school students, the Ministry's recommendation is as such: those first year pre-school students, that is those children who are 3 years old should be promoted to the 4 year-old year and those students who are 4 years old, we are recommending should receive their pre-school certificates and transition into primary school. For primary school students and in accordance to education rule 128-2: all students from infant 1 to standard 5 are expected to be promoted and schools are asked to provide special assistance for those students who require such during the upcoming school year. All standard 6 students who have met their school's standards for primary certification and those who have reached 14 years old age are expected to graduate from primary school in accordance with education rule 128-3."
"As it relates to secondary school students, our schools are encourage to provide all 1st-3rd form students with sufficient opportunities to advance to the next level of education and to provide where it is necessary remedial support of the re-opening of school. In other words. promote these students from 1st to 2nd form if they are in 1st, 2nd to 3rd form if they are in 2nd form, 3rd to 4th form if they are in 3rd form and once they get into that new class the remedial work of bringing them up to speed ought to be done post-haste in order to ensure that they can cope with the what is being taught at the new level which they have been promoted to."